As you know, when booking rooms in schools and Montgomery County government buildings, you have been able to request a permit without making payment at the time of your request, and payment then becomes due when the permit is approved, typically within a day or two. That policy will be changing on May 1, 2020, and you will be required to pay for your permit at the time you make your request, unless you are a High Volume Priority User.
Please note: you are only considered a High Volume Priority User if you have previously applied for, and been granted, high volume status, which is available to sports leagues, sports clubs, child care, weekly weekend cultural and faith-based groups, and summer camps.
We are making this change in order to align our practices with those of our partners at the Department of Recreation and the Parks Department, which both require customers to pay for their reservations up front. We also hope that this change will ease the burden on our staff to collect overdue account balances, which will ultimately allow more time for customer service. This policy change is being enacted under the authority of the Interagency Coordinating Board (ICB).
Because this new policy is a change to the way we have been operating, we will spend the next several months making a concerted effort to reach out to all who may be affected.
Thank you for your understanding and for giving us your business by using our government facilities.
Ramona Bell-Pearson, Director
& Patty Vitale, Financial Administrator
Office of Community Use of Public Facilities
Montgomery County Government, Maryland
Phone: 240-777-2725