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High Volume: Weekly Weekend Cultural and Religious Educational Use

 The term “Weekly Weekend Cultural and Religious Educational Classes” is defined for CUPF purposes as:

  • a cultural school or faith-based education program, and 
  • utilizes the same room or set of multiple rooms each week (including All-Purpose Room, Cafeteria, Staff Lounge, Classroom, and Gymnasium facilities), and 
  • all rooms are the same day(s) of the week (Saturday and/ or Sunday), and 
  • all rooms and dates are located at the same indoor public building each week, and 
  • group desires a reservation(s) to meet weekly other than weeks in which include MCPS holiday dates or student breaks during the months of September through May, and in rare situations extending into early June. 

Safety and security: Safety and security are a top priority. Please read details of the guidance surrounding Safety and Security provided by CUPF and the Facility Use License Agreement.

How to reserve: User groups must submit their annual schedule showing building, dates, rooms, and times via email to no later than 5:00 p.m. on May 15, annually, for an annual contract of reservations September through May.

For more information on the process to reserve space within this advanced priority placement, send an email to:


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