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High Volume: Weekly Weekend Cultural and Religious Assembly Use

 The term “Weekly Weekend Cultural and Religious Assembly” is defined for CUPF purposes as:

  • faith-based or cultural assembly/ worship service(s), and 
  • utilizes the same room or set of multiple rooms each week (including All-Purpose Room, Cafeteria, Staff Lounge, and Classroom facilities), and 
  • all rooms are the same day(s) of the week (Saturday and/ or Sunday), and  
  • all rooms and dates are located at the same indoor public building each week, and 
  • group desires a weekly reservation pattern.

Safety and security: Safety and security are a top priority. Please read details of the guidance surrounding Safety and Security provided by CUPF and the Facility Use License Agreement.

How to reserve: User groups must submit their annual schedule showing building, dates, rooms, and times via email to no later than 5:00 p.m. on April 15, annually, for an annual contract of reservations September through August.

For more information on the process to reserve space within this advanced priority placement, send an email to:


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