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CUPF User Guidebook: Air Conditioning (HVAC) Reminder

News, Reminders, and More:

CUPF staff works with Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) personnel creating a report that outlines events according to classroom and other indoor community usage. The report highlights specific zone locations within MCPS building's that will need to be properly cooled during various times of the day, especially during the summer months. 

Those zones are designated by the MCPS Energy Management Division. This data provides the Energy Management with information about every scheduled event taking place in MCPS facilities. The purpose of the list is to give information about when and where HVAC services will be needed to ensure that cooling is made available to all groups while onsite. 

User Guidebook 

Energy curtailment practices during summer months: 

In order to conserve energy and ensure the lowest possible energy rates, MCPS turns air-conditioning off between the hours of 3:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. during summer break. All groups, including community user groups and MCPS-related groups, who choose to use MCPS indoor facilities during this time should prepare accordingly. 

Click HERE for additional information regarding the CUPF User Guidebook.

Air Conditioning (HVAC)

• There is no additional fee for HVAC; it is included and turned-on during hours reserved
• Air Conditioning/Cooling temperature set point per MCPS is 76 degrees Fahrenheit
• No air conditioning available in gymnasiums. There are some rare exceptions; however, A/C is not guaranteed even if such is installed

After-Hours Help Line:

If you experience a lockout, HVAC issue, security concern, equipment failure, rooms permitted not available for use upon arrival, or other comparable situation, you must call or send a text message to 240-490-CUPF (2873) so that our office may assist in remedying the problem.
General Inquiries: 
Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.: 240-777-2725 
Thank you
 for using public facilities for your community events and activities!