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Regional Services Centers

 Meeting rooms in the Regional Services Centers (RSC) provide an opportunity for bringing together the resources of the County and the activities of the community. Meeting rooms of varying sizes are available at the following centers:

·         Bethesda-Chevy Chase Regional Services Center, Bethesda
·         Eastern Regional Services Center, White Oak
·         Mid-County Regional Services Center, Wheaton

Coming soon: meeting room, Veterans Park, and Marion Fryer Plaza outdoor venue.

·         Silver Spring Regional Services Center, Silver Spring

Located at the Silver Spring Civic Building: meeting rooms, Great Hall, outdoor courtyard, and Veterans Plaza. Contact on-site staff directly for reservation process.

·         Upcounty Regional Services Center, Germantown

Important: Click “Item Details” button when viewing or reserving online for more information such as available equipment, capacity, street address, access to building, etc.

How to reserve applicable meeting rooms:

·         May 15: Opening day for dates of use July 1 through December 31

·         November 15: Opening day for dates of use January 1 through June 30

·         Request reservation via the online customer e-portal: